Zophar drake of the 99 dragons
Zophar drake of the 99 dragons

zophar drake of the 99 dragons

  • The Archbishops several ANSVVERS To the Proofs and Evidence produced to make good the first Branch of his CHARGE, with the Commons Replyes, and Rejoynders thereunto.
  • zophar drake of the 99 dragons

    The second BRANCH of the first generall CHARGE concerning the ARCH-BISHOPS endeavours to reconcile the Church of England to the Church of ROME.The sixth Branch of the Commons Evidence to make good their first Generall Charge of the Archbishops endeavours to subvert our Religion and introduce Popery.The fifth particular branch of the Evidence to prove the first Generall Charge against the Arch-bishop of Canterbury.The evidence to prove the first generall branch of his Charge, concerning the alteration, ub version of Religion.The first Specificall branch of the Charge against the Archbishop, touching his Trayterous endeavours to alter and subvert Gods true Religion by Law established among us, to introduce Popish Superstition and Idolatry in liew thereof, and to reconcile the Church of England, with the Church of Rome, by severall stepps and practises with the copious evidences produced to manifest the same at his Tryall.

    zophar drake of the 99 dragons

    The Generall Charge against the Archbishop, with the severall branches thereof.A COMPLEAT HISTORY OF The Commitment, Charge, Tryall, Condemnation and Execution of WJLLJAM LAƲD, late Arch-Bishop of CANTERBVRT.TO The Right Honourable, the Lords and Commons In PARLIAMENT Assembled.

    Zophar drake of the 99 dragons